
RIDER Project 2006: cell2Cell2CELL

Michele Gambetta knows that Ryder trucks bring back memories of Timothy McVeigh and the 1993 WTC bombings, but this guerilla puts a new spin on the old white box—she uses her truck to do culture and positive idea drive-bys in ‘hoods like Harlem and Bedstuy (you can see "Ryder" through the tapestry attached to the truck). After noticing that conventional museums fail to reach those who aren’t actively seeking exposure to art, she devised the RIDER Project—a rolling gallery that showcases 40 pieces of art and is housed in a truck. The circular artworks are inspired by Dada, and are a response to the recent world-turmoil of genocides and war.

The result is startlingly effective: a giant plastic garden on top of the truck grabs your attention, warm light draws you off the dark street, and after exploring a few of the pieces, Kafresssss!, you’ve been culture-fied.

Here's a walkup of the exhibit That's a severed arm attached to the spinning wheel at the end. it was inspired by a breakup.

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