
The Cub made it to the BBC!

The BBC called me up a week or so ago and asked me to chat about unemployed people in New York reinventing themselves.  Perfect, right?  So we wound up doing a short film about the Honda Cub, a 100mpg step-through motorcycle which is the most-produced vehicle in the entire history of the world.

Here's a link to a Wired article about the 60 millionth cub being sold, and here's a little video about what makes it so great.  Don't know why they tried to wreck it though--  seems to me to be in poor taste.


The Unemployment Olympics were a great success!

I lost my job in February after nearly three years at a computer firm in downtown Manhattan- It was liberating-- I walked out and into a chilly day holding a big bag off stuff, but the day felt fresher, and I knew that many adventures were ahead. That night, or the next day, I wondered aloud to a friend about how great it would be to be able to compete in athletic events to win prizes--"The Unemployment Olympics", I would call it.

A few weeks later I decided to create and host the Olympics. I applied for a permit at New York's Parks and Recreation office, and submitted an event listing to Time Out.  I put out a press release, and FOX NEWS called and asked if I'd come on their show. It was a huge thrill-- you can check out the bit here-

A whirlwind of making stuff, getting more donations, planning events, responding to the RSVP'ers, and just generally freaking out later...

And check out how it turned out! Everyone had a ball, and it got news coverage from LA to Montreal, Australia and Shanghai--

Here is some video from the New York Post and The Associated Press...


Fiesta movement winners being picked-

Ford has been contacting the agents of the Fiesta Movement for the past few days-- If you want to see a list of those chosen so far, check out this thread at focaljet.

I spoke with Leslie today from Ogilvy PR in Manhattan, and she confirmed that there are still a few agents who have not yet been contacted/selected. Check out this video below (and my Fiesta Movement video posted 3/25) and keep your fingers crossed that I am one of the remaining few to be contacted...